Tagged "JFX Central"

JavaFX In Action #7 with Christoph Schwentker about JabRef

Here is the next “JFX In Action” with Christoph Schwentker about JabRef, a tool written in Java and JavaFX to collect, organize, and discover literature for research projects.

JavaFX Links of September 2024

Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth of September 2024, published on jfx-central.com during this month. Did we miss anything? Is there anything you want to have included in one of the next overviews? Let us know via links@jfx-central.com.

JavaFX In Action #6 with Ramiro Domínguez Ayub about the Televic Generic Update Tool (TGUT)

In the next “JFX In Action”, I’m returning to Televic, one of my former employers, to talk to Ramiro Domínguez Ayub. He explains how they create a tool with JavaFX that is used both internally and by their customers to update a lot of different types of devices on a train, tram, and/or metro.

JavaFX In Action #5 with Maciej Gorywoda about FxCalculator, an Android app built with Scala and JavaFX

In the next video in this “JFX In Action” series, I talked with Maciej Gorywoda about FxCalculator, an Android app created with Scala and JavaFX you can find in Google Play.

JavaFX Links of August 2024

Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth of August 2024, published on jfx-central.com during this month. Did we miss anything? Is there anything you want to have included in one of the next overviews? Let us know via links@jfx-central.com.

JavaFX Links of July 2024

Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth of July 2024, published on jfx-central.com during this month.

JavaFX Links of June 2024

Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth of June 2024, published on jfx-central.com during this month.

JavaFX In Action #4 with Robert Ladstätter about LogoRRR, a cross-platform log analysis tool

In the next video in this “JFX In Action” series, I talked with Robert Ladstätter about LogoRRR, an application written with Scala and JavaFX.

JavaFX In Action #3 with Christopher Schnick about XPipe, an app to manage all your servers

In the next video in this “JFX In Action” series, I talked with Christopher Schnick about XPipe.

JavaFX In Action #2 with Daniel Zimmermann about JavaFX and Kotlin

For the second video in this “JFX In Action” series, I talked to Daniel Zimmermann. He got my attention when he recently tweeted: “To your dismay I have to tell you I write all my desktop applications using Kotlin and JavaFX”. Why is he a big Kotlin AND JavaFX fan? I asked him and got a demo of the network test application that he is working on.

JavaFX In Action #1 with Pedro Duque Vieira, aka Duke about Hero, PDFSam, FXThemes, FXComponents,...

People who follow me, know I have a big love for JavaFX. It’s my go-to for every desktop user interface application I build. I love the simplicity of quickly creating an app that makes full use of the “Java powers” to build both multi-threaded “backend services” combined with a beautiful-looking UI into one executable. I’m starting a new video series “JFX In Action” in which I talk to developers to show the world what is being developed with JavaFX.

JavaFX Links of May 2024

Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth of May 2024, published on jfx-central.com during this month.

JavaFX Links of April 2024

Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth of April 2024, published on jfx-central.com during this month.

JavaFX Links of March 2024

Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth of March 2024, published on jfx-central.com during this month.

JavaFX Links of February 2024

Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth of February 2024 that got published on jfx-central.com during this month.

JavaFX Links of January 2024

This is the first JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth review for 2024, an overview of the LinksOfTheWeek that got published on jfx-central.com during January.

JavaFX Links of December 2023

This is the final JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth review for 2023. It was an amazing year with many evolutions in Java and JavaFX and a complete “fresh” version of JFX Central. Thanks for following these updates and looking forward to more of your JavaFX work in the new year…

JavaFX Links of November 2023

Have fun with this overview of the “JavaFX LinksOfTheWeek” that got published on jfx-central.com during November.

JavaFX Links of October 2023

Thanks to the Devoxx conference, there are many hours you can spend on JavaFX-related videos! But as every month, there is a lot more to read and learn about JavaFX… Have fun with this overview of the “JavaFX LinksOfTheWeek” that got published on jfx-central.com during October.

JavaFX Links of September 2023

This month OpenJDK and OpenJDK 21 got officially released, so links to the new downloads but also to the early access builds of the next one! Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheWeek that got published on jfx-central.com during September.

JavaFX Links of August 2023

I’ve taken a holiday this month, so probably missed a lot of the amazing JavaFX news, but still some things caught my attention and you can find them in this LinksOfTheMonth overview.

JavaFX Links of July 2023

Although I skipped a few weeks because of busy schedules, holiday interruptions, and too few hours in a day, there was still a lot to report in the two #LinksOfTheWeek that were published on jfx-central.com in July.

JavaFX Links of June 2023

Again a lot has been shared this month in the jfx-central.com #LinksOfTheWeek! And that website itself is “under heavy construction” as version 2 is getting a completely new design and several improvements. Your help is wanted! See the last section of this summary…

JavaFX Links of May 2023

Again a busy month in JavaFX-world! Here is a nice list with links for your reading and clicking pleasure! This is the summary of the #LinksOfTheWeek as published on jfx-central.com in May 2023.

JavaFX Links of April 2023

This is the summary of the #LinksOfTheWeek as published on jfx-central.com.

JavaFX Core


Building apps

  • CodeDead shared a GitHub Actions workflow for the people that are using JDK 20, Gradle and JavaFX 20 on Reddit to test, build and package your JavaFX application on Windows, Linux and macOS when creating a pull request on either the main/master or development branches of your GIT project.

JavaFX Scene Builder

Bumped to Java and JavaFX 20:

Regular guests


Almas Baim

Gerrit Grunwald


About jfx-central.com

JavaFX Links of March 2023

This is the summary of the #LinksOfTheWeek as published on jfx-central.com.

JavaFX Core

  • Johan Vos is working on backports for JavaFX 17.0.7 to guarantee quality and long-term support.
  • Together with the release of OpenJDK 20, we also got the release of OpenJFX 20. Both right on schedule, as always!
    • Announcement by Gluon.
    • Downloads are also provided via OpenJDK on jdk.java.net.
    • Important message in the release notes: “JavaFX 20 is compiled with –release 17 and thus requires JDK 17 or later in order to run. If you attempt to run with an older JDK, the Java launcher will exit with an error message indicating that the javafx.base module cannot be read.”
    • Most important highlight for Johan Vos: “apps created many years ago still run on the latest JavaFX with latest OS. That is far from trivial, require lots of work, and not very common in client frameworks.”
    • And another quote from Johan: “I remember people and companies telling me 5 years ago they love Java and JavaFX, but they were pretty sure JavaFX would not be around in 2 years from them. So they used other client technologies… which don’t exist anymore today… while JavaFX… keeps moving forward. With less hype, and less marketing power than other client frameworks, but with dedication and focus on quality, stability and community. And with tons of stuff todo, I 100% realize that.”
  • You can already start experimenting with JavaFX 21 Early-Access Builds!
  • A request by Raumzeitfalle: “If you like Java and JavaFX, give Scene Builder Leadinge Edge a try. Its latest version runs with Java 20 using JavaFX 20 and it combines many of the pending PRs so that one can test the functionality. Feel free to share your feedback on Github.”

JavaFX and Game Development

JavaFX in Science


JavaFX Links of February 2023

February is a short month, but this list seems to be longer than ever… A lot of game development, releases, interesting ongoing development, and so much more to read. Enjoy reading and clicking!

JavaFX Links of January 2023

2023 has taken off with a flying start in JavaFX-world!

Here is a summary of the Links Of The Week that were published in January on jfx-central.com.

JavaFX Links of December 2022

If anyone needs a reminder Java and JavaFX are “alive and kicking”, you can not only check out jfx-central.com, but also the list below.

JavaFX Links of November 2022

Time flies when having fun…

So here we are again, another month has passed and this is a summary of the Links Of The Week that were published on jfx-central.com during November.

JavaFX Links of October 2022

When I (re)started the JavaFX Links Of The Week on jfx-central.com in September, I was wondering if there would be enough material to share every week.

JavaFX Links of September 2022

The JavaFX links of the week are back on jfx-central.com, and here we collect the complete month for you in an excellent overview.