
Podcast Guest

I was honored to be invited to a few podcasts to share my ideas and experiences.

Date Publication Title
October 2022 Leanpub Frontmatter #234 Frank Delporte, Author of Getting started with Java on the Raspberry Pi.
July 2021 Foojay Podcast #2 Foojay Podcast #2: talking about embedded Java together with James Gosling, Johan Vos and Erik Costlow.
September 2020 airhacks.fm #104 Trains, Filmschool, Java on RaspberryPI, Quarkus and MicroProfile
May 2017 Radio-DJ voor één uur My sister, who is a professional radio maker, invited me for a one hour broadcast for Brother/Sister Day on a national radio station (in Dutch)

Podcast Host and/or Producer

Starting from September 2022, I organize, record and edit the Foojay podcasts. For some of them, I’m also the host.

Date Publication Title
June 2024 Foojay Podcast #54 Foojay Podcast #54: Music and MIDI with Java and Kotlin (host, producer)
June 2024 Foojay Podcast #53 Foojay Podcast #53: JCON Report, Part 5 – CQRS, JOOQ, GraphQL, API, Vaadin, OpenRewrite, ErrorProne, Gateways, Proxies,… (host, producer)
June 2024 Foojay Podcast #52 Foojay Podcast #52: JCON Report, Part 4 – Garbage Collectors, Intelligence Cloud, Test Containers and Flaky Tests, ToxiProxy, Structured Concurrency, Virtual Threads (host, producer)
June 2024 Foojay Podcast #51 Foojay Podcast #51: JCON Report, Part 3 – Persistence, Evolving your Career, Jakarta EE, GlassFish, Messaging via Telegram (host, producer)
May 2024 Foojay Podcast #50 Foojay Podcast #50: JCON Report, Part 2 – Maven, Software Security, Code Quality (host, producer)
May 2024 Foojay Podcast #49 JCON Report, Part 1 – JUGs, Communities, Open Source, Generative AI, LangChain4j, Machine Learning (host, producer)
May 2024 Foojay Podcast #48 JUG Oberpfalz, JCON Conference, and JAVAPRO Magazine (host, producer)
April 2024 Foojay Podcast #47 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Java (host, producer)
April 2024 Foojay Podcast #46 JUG Switzerland (host, producer)
March 2024 Foojay Podcast #45 Welcome to Java 22 (host, producer)
March 2024 Foojay Podcast #44 Quarkus Club (host, producer)
February 2024 Foojay Podcast #43 Modern Java Testing (host, producer)
February 2024 Foojay Podcast #42 Jozi-JUG and Cape Town Java Community (host, producer)
January 2024 Foojay Podcast #41 Web Development with Java (host, producer)
January 2024 Foojay Podcast #40 Making Java Attractive for Beginners in Programming (guest, producer)
January 2024 Foojay Podcast #39 Java Dominicana (host, producer)
December 2023 Foojay Podcast #38 Java in the Cloud (host, producer)
December 2023 Foojay Podcast #37 J-Fall Report, Part 4 (Final) (host, producer)
December 2023 Foojay Podcast #36 J-Fall Report, Part 3 (host, producer)
December 2023 Foojay Podcast #35 Dublin JUG (host, producer)
November 2023 Foojay Podcast #34 J-Fall Report, Part 2 (host, producer)
November 2023 Foojay Podcast #33 J-Fall Report, Part 1 (host, producer)
November 2023 Foojay Podcast #32 Philippines JUG (host, producer)
October 2023 Foojay Podcast #31 Report of Devoxx ’23 in Belgium (host, producer)
October 2023 Foojay Podcast #30 Utrecht JUG (host, producer)
September 2023 Foojay Podcast #29 How will AI and ML Influence the Role of Developers? (host, producer)
September 2023 Foojay Podcast #28 Java 21 Has Arrived! (host, producer)
September 2023 Foojay Podcast #27 Chicago JUG and KUG (host, producer)
June 2023 Foojay Podcast #26 The Future of Source Control and CI/CD (producer)
June 2023 Foojay Podcast #25 Game Development with Java, JavaFX, and FXGL (host, producer)
June 2023 Foojay Podcast #24 BeJUG, BruJUG and how Devoxx was born as JavaPolis (host, producer)
May 2023 Foojay Podcast #23 Java Profiling and Performance (producer)
May 2023 Foojay Podcast #22 When Profession and Fun Overlap (host, producer)
May 2023 Foojay Podcast #21 Brazil SouJava JUG and How to Grow your Developer Career (host, producer)
April 2023 Foojay Podcast #20 Functional Programming, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” (producer)
April 2023 Foojay Podcast #19 How working for free for fun brought me fame and fortune — or at least some of each — in the end (host, producer)
April 2023 Foojay Podcast #18 Atlanta JUG and DevNexus (host, producer)
March 2023 Foojay Podcast #17 Execute Java Code with TornadoVM on CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs (producer)
March 2023 Foojay Podcast #16 Welcome to Java 20 (host, producer)
March 2023 Foojay Podcast #15 Japan JUG (host, producer)
February 2023  Foojay Podcast #14 Debugging Tools and Skills for Fun and Profit (producer)
February 2023 Foojay Podcast #13 Denver and Boulder JUG (host, producer)
January 2023 Foojay Podcast #12 State and Future of the IDEs (host, producer)
January 2023 Foojay Podcast #11 Looking Back to 2022 and Predictions for 2023 (host, producer)
January 2023 Foojay Podcast #10 JUG World Tour: Dubai JUG (host, producer)
December 2022 Foojay Podcast #9 The State of JavaFX Framework, Libraries, and Projects (host, producer)
December 2022 Foojay Podcast #8 JUG World Tour: Manchester (host, producer)
November 2022 Foojay Podcast #7 Security in Java, what do we need to know and how to keep our applications secure? (producer)
October 2022 Foojay Podcast #6 Welcome to Foojay! (host, producer)
September 2022 Foojay Podcast #5 OpenJDK 19 Discussion Panel. (producer)