
You can find my videos on Vimeo and YouTube. Here on this page, you can find some of my YouTube playlists. Click on the playlist icon in the top right corner to see the full list of videos.

Java and Technology

Java is known for its “write once, run anywhere” philosophy, which allows developers to write code that can be executed on different platforms without modification. That’s why it has been my preferred programming language for a long time. In this playlist, you will find various videos I created about Java, JavaFX, Pi4J, and other technologies I’m using or experimenting with…

Videos published on, the website for Friends Of OpenJDK.

Podcast for the Friends Of OpenJDK!

The podcast of, a central resource for the Java community’s daily ​information needs, a place for friends of OpenJDK, ​and a community platform for the Java ecosystem​ — bringing together and helping Java professionals everywhere.

For the full info, see

Getting Started with Java

Is Java your first programming language and do you want to get up and running fast? Or maybe you are already an experienced programmer in another language and want to give Java a try? Let Foojay, the websites for the Friends Of OpenJDK, i.e., the open-source Java development kit that includes the Java programming language, help you get started! Check all the tutorials and more info.

JFX Central

Videos published on JFX Central, the home to anything JavaFX related.

JavaFX In Action

This playlist contains interviews with developers of JavaFX applications and libraries.

Learn JavaFX

JavaFX is an advanced GUI (Graphical User Interface) toolkit accessible from any JVM language, which runs on desktop, mobile, and the web. JFX central is the home to anything JavaFX-related.

This playlist contains all the tutorials used in the Learn section of JFX Central.