Tagged "FXGL"

A JavaFX Game Application in a Single Java File with JBang and FXGL

FXGL is a framework to easily create JavaFX-based game applications. In this blog post, I want to show you how this can be done within a single Java-file which doesn’t need a full Maven or Gradle project but can be executed directly with JBang without compilation. This approach can be used as an easy way to get new Java(FX) developers started or create your first experiments with FXGL.

Book review - Learn JavaFX Game and App Development with FXGL 17

This summer I read the book “Entreprenerd” by Bruno Lowagie. It tells the story of how he started with the iText PDF Java library and turned that into a company together with his wife, and eventually sold it with all problems related to most sales and acquisitions trajects… In “Entreprenerd”, he also describes the process of writing two books about the iText library itself, as there were no good manuals available and he wanted to liberate himself from the ever-returning same questions.

3D printed Raspberry Pi Arcade box

As part of the Pi4J project, we created an example game with JavaFX and FXGL that uses an Arcade kit with a Joystick and big push buttons. The test setup for this project was kicking around my desk, so that was the perfect victim for my next 3D printing project…

Device monitoring tool with JavaFX, FXGL and Mosquitto

In a previous post “Getting Started with FXGL Game Development” we already have taken a look at the FXGL game development framework developed by Almas Baimagambetov. But, this game engine can also be used for other use cases. In this post, we will be building a system monitoring dashboard, which can run on a Raspberry Pi.

Getting started with FXGL game development

FXGL is a Java, JavaFX and Kotlin Game Library (Engine) made by Almas Baimagambetov. As my son (almost 10y) challenged me to make a game during my “Corona-stay-at-home-time”, I had the luck Almas provided me a getting-started with this detailed step-by-step. For a more up-to-date and extended example, check this newer post of 2023/12/14 A JavaFX Game Application in a Single Java File with JBang and FXGL.