Blog of Frank Delporte

Book review - Frontend Development with JavaFX and Kotlin

For a personal pet project, I started experimenting with JavaFX and Kotlin to create a user interface with a lot of Java / Kotlin background processing. As I knew there is a book available on this specific topic, Apress was so kind to send me a review copy of Frontend Development with JavaFX and Kotlin: Build State-of-the-Art Kotlin GUI Applications by Peter Späth (152 pages, 48€ on paper, 35.

JavaFX Links of April 2024

Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth of April 2024, published on during this month. Core Gluon published new releases of JavaFX: 22.0.1 and the LTS releases 17.0.11 and 21.0.3. You can get them from Maven Central and the Gluon website. The new builds of Java and JavaFX, that were released this week, contain several fixes related to Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), see for example the release notes of Azul Zulu.

JavaFX Links of March 2024

Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth of March 2024, published on during this month. Components, Libraries, Tools Pedro Duque Vieira integrated this pull request in FXThemes: “True Dark Mode is now also available on Mac. All thanks to Carl Dea. Not new, but siedlerchr pointed us on EasyBind: “Leverages lambdas to reduce boilerplate when creating custom bindings, providing a type-safe alternative to Bindings.

Example Java Application with Embedded Jetty and a htmx Website

I was experimenting with a Java application that can act as a web server and includes the user interface HTML-files that get modified with htmx, to replace certain parts of the HTML with other ones created in Java. I found it pretty hard to understand how to configure the embedded Jetty webserver, but as always with Java libraries, it’s pretty easy once you understand how to do it ;-) I decided to share my example, so you don’t need to go through the same search if you want to use the same approach…

Review of the Elecrow Raspberry Pi Pico Advanced Kit

People who follow me, know I’m a big fan of the Elecrow CrowPi, the little suitcase with a Raspberry Pi and a lot of electronic components included. I used it already a lot in my presentations at various conferences to demonstrate #JavaOnRaspberryPi. Recently, Elecrow sent me a “Raspberry Pi Pico Advanced Kit” for free, to test and evaluate it.

Search in Documentation with a JavaFX ChatGPT-like LangChain4j Application

At the Fosdem conference in Brussels on February 3rd, I gave a presentation about using an existing documentation set as the data for a ChatGPT-like application, created with JavaFX and LangChain4J. The video and links of that presentation are available here, and this post is a more detailed explanation of that application.

JavaFX Links of February 2024

Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth of February 2024 that got published on during this month. Core Christopher Schnick shared a video: “The JavaFX 22 platform preferences API in action. You can now query and observe the system color schemes.. Gluon announced that new EA releases for the upcoming JavaFX 22 (22-ea+28) and JavaFX 23 (23-ea+3) platforms are available for download from gluonhq.

Links of the Presentation: Experimenting with AI and LLM to make docs searchable through a chat application

These are all the links of my presentation at the Fosdem Conference in Brussels, Saturday, February 3th, 2024, 17:40 CET. Experimenting with AI and LLM to make docs searchable through a chat application ChatGPT is considered to bring the end to search engines. But it’s also a pretty good liar, just making stories up.

Links of the Presentation: What I Learned About OpenJDK As a Docs Writer

These are all the links of my presentation at the JChampions Conference, Monday January 29, 2024, 16:00 CET. What I Learned About OpenJDK As a Docs Writer As a teenager, a Commodore 64 and DIY solder kits ignited my passion for computers and electronics. But for some obscure reason, I chose an unexpected path by attending film school.

JavaFX Links of January 2024

This is the first JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth review for 2024, an overview of the LinksOfTheWeek that got published on during January. Core JavaFX 21.0.2 (January 2024) is available on the Gluon website. Applications Robert Ladstätter added ZIP file support to LogoRRR: “No more unzipping before analysing your latest bugs from ops!

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