Tagged "SDKMAN"

Links of the Presentation: What I Learned About OpenJDK As a Docs Writer

These are all the links of my presentation at the JChampions Conference, Monday January 29, 2024, 16:00 CET.

Running a CRaC Java application on Raspberry Pi - UPDATE

On July 15th of 2023, I published a post here about my initial experiments with CRaC on the Raspberry Pi.

Links of the Presentation: Unlocking the Potential of Bits and Bytes

These are all the links of my presentation at Devoxx Belgium, Wednesday 12:00-12:50, Room 7.

Running a CRaC Java application on Raspberry Pi

With the April release of the Zulu Build of OpenJDK, Azul announced the integration of CRaC in its version 17 of Java for Linux.

Installing Java with SDKMAN on Raspberry Pi

If you create a new SD card for a Raspberry Pi with the operating system, you can choose the “Raspberry Pi OS Full (32-bit)” edition, which includes Java 11.