Tagged "Foojay"

Links of the BeJUG Presentation: Lessons Learned from #JavaOnRaspberryPi

These are all the links of my presentation at BeJUG in Waregem, Monday, July 24, 2024. Lessons Learned from JavaOnRaspberryPi, the Potential of Bits and Bytes, Cost and Eco-Efficiency I started experimenting with Java on the Raspberry Pi a few years ago because I wanted to learn if I could control electronic components with my favorite programming language.

Links of the Presentation: What I Learned About OpenJDK As a Docs Writer

These are all the links of my presentation at the JChampions Conference, Monday January 29, 2024, 16:00 CET. What I Learned About OpenJDK As a Docs Writer As a teenager, a Commodore 64 and DIY solder kits ignited my passion for computers and electronics. But for some obscure reason, I chose an unexpected path by attending film school.

Interviews at the J-Fall 2023 Conference

I had a lot of interesting talks with Java experts since I started producing the Foojay Podcast. But when I asked the organizers of the J-Fall conference, if I could do some kind of live broadcast at their event, I hadn’t imagined it would be such an amazing experience! During the day I had 29 interviews, which I all broadcasted live on multiple websites (YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter) with the amazing restream system.

Links of the Presentation: Unlocking the Potential of Bits and Bytes

These are all the links of my presentation at Devoxx Belgium, Wednesday 12:00-12:50, Room 7. Unlocking the Potential of Bits and Bytes: Reducing Data Footprint for Cost and Eco-Efficiency In the age of unlimited storage space, we forget to consider the financial and ecological costs. Transmitting and storing data in XML, JSON, or (if you want to hurt people) YAML makes data human-readable, which is great for debugging and testing but is a very inefficient, heavy, and expensive way of handling data.

One Year as a Technical Writer at Azul: A Journey of Growth and Learning.

Writing has always been my passion, and even in my previous jobs as a developer, I stood out as the one who enjoyed creating and maintaining documentation. But June 9th, 2023, marked my first birthday as a full-time technical writer at Azul. Yes, it’s already a year ago that I changed from being a developer-who-also-writes to a writer-who-also-develops.

Interview by Bazlur Rahman: Unlocking Java Secrets with Frank Delporte - Insights, Stories, and Tips for Success

On Foojay.io, Bazlur Rahman is publishing a series of interviews with various people from the OpenJDK community. I had the honor to be included in this series, and this is a repost. Welcome to our exclusive interview with Frank Delporte, a Senior Technical Writer at Azul, Java Champion, and a passionate advocate for all things related to Java and Java on Raspberry Pi.

New Section Added to Foojay.io: Java Quick Start

Foojay.io aims to be the starting point for “all-things OpenJDK,” but during one of my morning walks the idea struck me that this site really needs complete beginner materials, too. As we want to spread the love for OpenJDK, i.e., Java, Kotlin, and other OpenJDK languages, the JVM, and all related technologies, we were missing an important audience: someone who is interested in an OpenJDK language, such as Java, but has no experience with it yet, and ends up on Foojay.

Devoxx Belgium and J-Fall The Netherlands - Links

Links used in my talks at Devoxx 2022 (Antwerp, Belgium) and J-Fall (Ede, The Netherlands). Book “Getting Started with Java on the Raspberry Pi Twitter Frank #JavaOnRaspberryPi Work Televic Rail Eeve Azul foojay.io Website - Friends of OpenJDK Controlling Electronics with JBang on the Raspberry Pi All Raspberry Pi articles (over 50!