Tagged "3D Print"

How to Share Your Work With a Movie or Podcast

If you are blogging about your work, at some point, you’ll want to share your experience with a movie or in a podcast. In this post, I want to share the tools I’m using and give some advise to get you started with a small (or bigger) budget…

3D printed Pinecel soldering iron holder

The Pinecil is a very handy and affordable USB-C powered soldering iron (running on open firmware!) with an OLED monochrome display. This soldering iron is made by PINE64, and is delivered in nice carton boxes. But once you start using it, you quickly need another way to keep the different tips at hand.

3D printed Raspberry Pi Arcade box

As part of the Pi4J project, we created an example game with JavaFX and FXGL that uses an Arcade kit with a Joystick and big push buttons. The test setup for this project was kicking around my desk, so that was the perfect victim for my next 3D printing project…

3D printed Raspberry Pi Organizer

After my first 3D-printing experiment “A 3D printed multi-functional tripod (well actually quadpod)”, I wanted to clean-up my desk. I have a lot of Raspberry Pi boards lying around for various test projects, and that was one of the quick-wins to organize better.

3D printed multi-functional tripod (well actually quadpod)

The power of technology is something that keeps amazing me every day. The number of things you can do with some small electronic components and a bit of programming is overwhelming. But 3D printing is really on top of my “WOW AMAZING” list. As I work in a company building fully 3D-printed robots (EEVE), I felt I had to investigate some budget and time into this whole new world.