Blog of Frank Delporte, Java Champion, Software Developer, Technical Writer, Nerd/Geek

HiveMQ Cloud, part 4 - Sending sensor data from Raspberry Pi Pico W to HiveMQ Cloud

Exactly one year ago, in December 2021, I published three articles of MQTT messaging with Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Pico and HiveMQ Cloud. On June 30th of 2022, Raspberry Pi released a new product, that is the subject of this post: the Pico W. Yes, a new version of the original Pico, but with Wi-Fi. The new board is for sale for 6$, compared to the 4$ of the original Pico.

Schedule your holiday for 2038

The end of the year is approaching, so it’s time to start scheduling your holidays for the next year. But I decided to go a step further and already planned those for 2038! Why? Well, a few weeks ago I gave a presentation to students, when I realized they had no idea what I was talking about when mentioning the Y2K-problem. Most of them weren’t even born yet in the year 2000! I also realized at that moment that I’m probably becoming a grumpy old man, but that’s a subject for another post… ;-) But I also found out a new similar problem is approaching in … 2038!

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