Blog of Frank Delporte, Java Champion, Software Developer, Technical Writer, Nerd/Geek
Hidden Beauties of Java Enums
Let’s take a look at the power and beauty of what Java Enums can provide…
How to Share Your Work With a Movie or Podcast
If you are blogging about your work, at some point, you’ll want to share your experience with a movie or in a podcast. In this post, I want to share the tools I’m using and give some advise to get you started with a small (or bigger) budget…
Book review - Practical Design Patterns for Java Developers
Hone your software design skills by implementing popular design patterns in Java
This book is for sale on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback editions.
JavaFX Links of February 2023
February is a short month, but this list seems to be longer than ever… A lot of game development, releases, interesting ongoing development, and so much more to read. Enjoy reading and clicking!
JavaFX Links of January 2023
2023 has taken off with a flying start in JavaFX-world!
Here is a summary of the Links Of The Week that were published in January on
New Section Added to Java Quick Start aims to be the starting point for “all-things OpenJDK,” but during one of my morning walks the idea struck me that this site really needs complete beginner materials, too.
JavaFX Links of December 2022
If anyone needs a reminder Java and JavaFX are “alive and kicking”, you can not only check out, but also the list below.
HiveMQ Cloud, part 4 - Sending sensor data from Raspberry Pi Pico W to HiveMQ Cloud
Exactly one year ago, in December 2021, I published three articles of MQTT messaging with Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Pico and HiveMQ Cloud. On June 30th of 2022, Raspberry Pi released a new product, that is the subject of this post: the Pico W. Yes, a new version of the original Pico, but with Wi-Fi. The new board is for sale for 6$, compared to the 4$ of the original Pico.
Schedule your holiday for 2038
The end of the year is approaching, so it’s time to start scheduling your holidays for the next year. But I decided to go a step further and already planned those for 2038! Why? Well, a few weeks ago I gave a presentation to students, when I realized they had no idea what I was talking about when mentioning the Y2K-problem. Most of them weren’t even born yet in the year 2000! I also realized at that moment that I’m probably becoming a grumpy old man, but that’s a subject for another post… ;-) But I also found out a new similar problem is approaching in … 2038!
JavaFX Links of November 2022
Time flies when having fun…
So here we are again, another month has passed and this is a summary of the Links Of The Week that were published on during November.