Blog of Frank Delporte, Java Champion, Software Developer, Technical Writer, Nerd/Geek
A Spring REST and H2 database application on the Raspberry Pi
Java on Raspberry Pi
The “Pi” in the name of the Raspberry Pi refers to Python, but as a Java developer I love to know and experiment with the various Java frameworks I also use at work. Spring is the main one, and I wanted to develop a proof-of-concept application which provides REST API’s to store and retrieve sensor data with a database back-end on the Raspberry Pi.
Joining the Pi4J team
In my book “Getting Started with Java on Raspberry Pi” I dedicated a chapter on Pi4J, the leading framework to combine the power of Java with the hardware capabilities of the Raspberry Pi. This project which was started in 2012 by Robert Savage, evolved during the years to be able to support all the different Raspberry Pi-versions and many types of hardware components.
The MagPi step-by-step video
Getting started with FXGL game development
FXGL is a Java, JavaFX and Kotlin Game Library (Engine) made by Almas Baimagambetov. As my son (almost 10y) challenged me to make a game during my “Corona-stay-at-home-time”, I had the luck Almas provided me a getting-started with this detailed step-by-step.
Installing Java and JavaFX on the Raspberry Pi
One of the most read articles on this blog is about the installation of a recent Java on Raspberry Pi (March 13, 2019), so it’s time for an update!
Drumbooth controller with Raspberry Pi, JavaFX, and Arduino
Based on multiple examples from my book “Getting started with Java on Raspberry Pi”, I created a touchscreen controller for the drum booth of my son. Combined with relays boards and an Arduino this allows to control LED strips and different lights with a touch screen interface.
Raspberry Pi and SPI 8x8 LED matrix example with Java and Pi4j
While looking for a cheap and nice component to demonstrate the use of SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) I found out this 8x8 matrix LED display on a board with a MAX7219 chip is the perfect piece of hardware!
OpenWeatherMap forecast on LCD with Raspberry Pi, Java and Pi4J
Pi4J contains helper methods to minimize the work needed to use certain hardware modules on the Pi with Java. As an example, we will be using “GpioLcdDisplay” to control an LCD with 2 rows of 16 characters. After requesting the weather forecast from a public website, we will visualize this on the LCD display.
Reactive Spring Flux data from a Pi
Trisha Gee (Coder, blogger, speaker, Developer Advocate at JetBrains, @trisha_gee), which I interviewed for “Chapter 4: Choosing an IDE”, and Josh Long (Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal, @starbuxman) worked together on a blog series in which they showed the power of reactive data produced by a Spring application. Instead of repeating a REST call each time you want to get data from the server, you do one call which returns a continuous stream in which new data is pushed based on an interval.
Controlling a LED number display with JavaFX and Python on Raspberry Pi
In my book I explain the use of bits and bytes by using a shift register SN74HC595 IC and 5101AS LED number display.