Tagged "Spring"

Links of the Presentation: Unlocking the Potential of Bits and Bytes

These are all the links of my presentation at Devoxx Belgium, Wednesday 12:00-12:50, Room 7. Unlocking the Potential of Bits and Bytes: Reducing Data Footprint for Cost and Eco-Efficiency In the age of unlimited storage space, we forget to consider the financial and ecological costs. Transmitting and storing data in XML, JSON, or (if you want to hurt people) YAML makes data human-readable, which is great for debugging and testing but is a very inefficient, heavy, and expensive way of handling data.

Blink a LED and read a button state with Vaadin, Spring and Pi4J on a Raspberry Pi

As I’m becoming a senior developer in terms of age, I’ve transitioned from one language to another. One of my main interests has always been clean, easy-to-understand UIs (User Interface). That journey started for me with Director (to create multimedia CD-ROMs), Flash website animation, and Flex Rich Internet Applications (= “Flash on steroids”).

Azul Zulu OpenJDK 15 on Raspberry Pi

For this post I did some experiments with Java 15, reusing the Ubuntu 64bit SD card which was also used for the earlier post “Comparing a REST H2 Spring versus Quarkus application on Raspberry Pi”. That version of Ubuntu comes with OpenJDK 11 pre-installed. $ java -version openjdk version "11.0.8" 2020-07-14 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.

Comparing a REST H2 Spring versus Quarkus application on Raspberry Pi

Goal of this comparison In my previous post “A Spring REST and H2 database application on the Raspberry Pi” an example was described to store sensors and measurements in a H2-database through REST API’s with a Spring application on the Raspberry Pi. This application takes some time to start on a Raspberry Pi, and Adam Bien who makes the airhacks.

A Spring REST and H2 database application on the Raspberry Pi

Java on Raspberry Pi The “Pi” in the name of the Raspberry Pi refers to Python, but as a Java developer I love to know and experiment with the various Java frameworks I also use at work. Spring is the main one, and I wanted to develop a proof-of-concept application which provides REST API’s to store and retrieve sensor data with a database back-end on the Raspberry Pi.

Reactive Spring Flux data from a Pi

Trisha Gee (Coder, blogger, speaker, Developer Advocate at JetBrains, @trisha_gee), which I interviewed for “Chapter 4: Choosing an IDE”, and Josh Long (Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal, @starbuxman) worked together on a blog series in which they showed the power of reactive data produced by a Spring application. Instead of repeating a REST call each time you want to get data from the server, you do one call which returns a continuous stream in which new data is pushed based on an interval.

Pi4J - Adding a REST interface with Spring Boot

As I was learning Spring Boot myself, I thought the easiest way to learn was trying to build an example and write about it. So here we go… :-) What is Pi4J? While doing my experiments earlier with Java 11 on a Raspberry Pi, I came accross the Pi4J project which allows you to control the GPIO pins easily from Java.