Tagged "GPIO"

Raspberry Pi and SPI 8x8 LED matrix example with Java and Pi4j

While looking for a cheap and nice component to demonstrate the use of SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) I found out this 8x8 matrix LED display on a board with a MAX7219 chip is the perfect piece of hardware! What you see in the video is the end result with: All on/off Demo of all the lines Demo of all the columns 5 random generated matrixes A set of images including an attempt of the Raspberry Pi logo A, B, E, S, T fixed The same characters scrolling one-by-one Wiring As we are using SPI, the number of connections to be made is very minimal:

Controlling a LED number display with JavaFX and Python on Raspberry Pi

In my book I explain the use of bits and bytes by using a shift register SN74HC595 IC and 5101AS LED number display. A number display with LED segments Defining the bytes for each number In the table below the bits are defined to get the hex/number value needed to light up the required segments (A - H) of the LED segment display: