Tagged "Arduino"

Drumbooth controller with Raspberry Pi, JavaFX, and Arduino

Based on multiple examples from my book “Getting started with Java on Raspberry Pi”, I created a touchscreen controller for the drum booth of my son. Combined with relays boards and an Arduino this allows to control LED strips and different lights with a touch screen interface. There is also a web server included so we can trigger some events from anywhere in the house through a webpage so we don’t need to yell anymore from down the stairs when food is on the table ;-)

Controlling Arduino with Mosquitto and JavaFX on Raspberry Pi

One of the example applications in my book “Getting started with Java on the Raspberry Pi” combines a JavaFX application with Mosquitto on the Raspberry Pi to control a LED strip with an Arduino. All wireless and independent of each other as the Mosquitto-queue is dealing with exchange commands between all applications.

DIY Arduino MIDI instrument

And another summer project got finished… ;-) My sons drum corps teacher triggered me to build an Arduino Midi controller so he could practice his rhythm skills. Inspiration The easiest library is the Arduino Midi USB library as described here. Although I was not very happy with the code provided…

Scratch and Arduino on Linux

At CoderDojo we have the luck to receive old laptops from companies. We use them for kids who don’t have a laptop or can’t bring one to the Dojo’s. For security reasons these laptops sometimes are compleltely erased or reinstalled with a new OS without license. Therefor we use them with Linux Ubuntu.

Arduino voor CoderDojo

Eén van de grootste uitdagingen voor de CoderDojos is het geboeid houden van de kinderen. Scratch is heel laagdrempeling en toch kan je er ook heel complexe zaken mee doen, maar toch komt al snel de vraag om “eens iets anders te doen”. Daarom zijn we in Roeselare al gestart met Blender 3D en App Inventor.