Ubuntu desktop on Raspberry Pi 4
Yesterday evening Ubuntu announced the release of Ubuntu 20.10 “Groovy Gorilla” with desktop support for the Raspberry Pi 4 (4 and 8Gb). So I had to get up early this morning for a quick test drive!!!
When opening the Raspberry Pi Imager tool, the new Ubuntu Desktop OS is already available. I reused the 32Gb Flash Drive from the earlier post about USB Boot and flashed the new Ubuntu OS to it.
And yes there it is, straight from the USB Flash Drive, no additional steps needed (EEPROM of my Raspberry Pi was already up-to-date)! A full 64bit Ubuntu OS which is now even more in-line with my daily Linux work-PC. SKDMAN, Visual Studio Code, Java 15 (AdoptOpenJDK)… all installed in a matter of minutes.